The Government of the Hong Kong SAR has a number of programmes providing funding support for businesses.
These include the following programmes and funding schemes:
SME Support
- SME link
Online platform for SMEs to access comprehensive information and support services.
- Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestics Sales (BUD Fund)
To provide funding support to individual Hong Kong enterprises in undertaking projects to develop brands, upgrade and restructure their business operations and promote sales in the ASEAN market and Mainland China market, so as to enhance their competitiveness and facilitate their business development in the ASEAN and Mainland China market.
- SME Export Marketing Fund
To provide financial assistance to help individual SMEs expand their business through their participation in export promotion activities.
- SME Financing Guarantee Scheme
To help SMEs and non-listed enterprises obtain loans from participating lenders such as banks for meeting their business needs so as to enhance their productivity and competitiveness in the rapidly changing business environment.
- Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund
To provide financial support to non-profit-distributing organisations to implement projects which aim at enhancing the competitiveness of non-listed Hong Kong enterprises in general or in specific sectors.
Innovation and Technology Support
Research & Development Support
Technology Adoption
Nurture of Technology Talent
Technology Start-ups Support
I&T Culture Promotion
- General Support Programme (GSP)
Supports non-R&D projects that help upgrade local industries and promote an I&T culture in Hong Kong, including conferences, exhibitions, seminars, workshops, youth activities, etc.
- Patent Application Grant (PAG)
Encourages capitalization of intellectual work through patent registration. For inventions with technology elements and potential for industrial application.
Creativity and Design Support
- CreateSmart Initiative
To provide financial support to projects conducive to the development and promotion of creative industries in Hong Kong.
Government Funding Support